Tehran: G 7 trying to impose its unjust approaches on others

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Monday strongly condemned parts of the closing statement of the G7 summit in Japan, which includes unfounded, fabricated and forged accusations against Iran, stressing that the group is trying to impose its unfair and unjust approaches on others.

In a statement reported by the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) Kanaani rejected the unfounded accusations against the peaceful nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He said as we have emphasized many times, the Iranian nuclear program has peaceful goals and nuclear weapons have no place in our defense doctrine.

Kanaani added that Iran strongly reject the selective statement and fictitious allegations made by the owners of nuclear weapons who are members of the group 7.

He continued the fact that the leaders of the Group called on all countries to support the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution No. 2231 is very strange and reveals that these countries have adopted contradictory policies, because these same countries are the main violators of the aforementioned resolution and the imposition of the maximum illegal sanctions on the Iranian people.

The Iranian spokesman considered the comprehensive joint action plan (the nuclear agreement) a measure accompanied by goodwill on the part of Iran to resolve the artificial concerns about Iran’s nuclear program and an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy, which unfortunately suffered severe damage due to the illegal withdrawal of the United States from the agreement and the lack of any action from European parties after the withdrawal of the United States.

Source: Yemen News Agency