Palestinian resistance factions confirm account bill with Zionist enemy opened

The Palestinian resistance factions have mourned the three martyrs of Balata camp in the city of Nablus who were killed by the bullets of the Zionist enemy army when the enemy stormed the camp at dawn Monday.

According to the Palestine Now agency, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed in a statement that the account bill with the Zionist enemy is opened and the crime of Balata camp will not discourage the Palestinian people from triumphing over the sanctities.

The statement said the heinous crime committed by the enemy forces in the Balata camp, south of Nablus will not affect the morale of our people, who rose up to respond to the crimes of the occupation and victory for al-Aqsa Mosque and the sanctities that are subject to desecration and Judaization.”

The martyrs are Muhammad Bilal Zaytoun, Abdullah Abu Hamdan, and Fathi Abu Rizk, according to the statement.

Source: Yemen News Agency