Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Wednesday tasked Caretaker Foreign Minister, Abdullah Bou Habib, to represent Lebanon at the Brussels conference ‘Supporting the future of Syria and the region’, which will be held on 14 and 15 June 2023, in Brussels. Minister Bou Habib will be presenting a unified work document on the behalf of the Lebanese government to the conference. In the wake of his meeting with Premier Mikati, Bou Habib said that discussions with the PM mainly touched on an array of ministerial affairs, as well as Lebanon’s participation in the Brussels conference. In response to a question, Bou Habib said that he was currently dealing with the repercussions of the Lebanese Ambassador to France’s case. ‘A commission comprising of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Secretary General had been dispatched and arrived Tuesday in Paris,’ Bou Habib added.
Source: National News Agency – Lebanon