Jordan enjoys strong, competitive ICT sector, says JCC official

Jordan, thanks to His Majesty King Abdullah II’s ongoing support, has succeeded in building a strong and competitive information and communication technologies (ICT) sector, representative of the sector in the Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC), Haitham Al-Rajbeh, said on Wednesday. In a statement issued on the 77th Anniversary of the Kingdom’s Independence Day, Al-Rajbeh indicated that the sector enjoys the King’s support and attention as a key factor in achieving social and economic development, stressing that the ICT industry is an essential part and pillar of the Kingdom’s national security. The sector, he noted, has provided services to technology markets in the region, achieved significant growth, and attracted international companies to invest and carry out their operations in the Kingdom, which generated thousands of job opportunities for Jordanians. In line with the Economic Modernization Vision’s (EMV) priorities, the ICT sector seeks to promote Jordan as a digital technology and innovation hub in the region and a launching platform for scalable digital solutions, Al-Rajbeh noted. Moreover, he pointed out that there are 27 Jordanians among the top 100 tech entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa, and many of the largest companies founded in the region are owned by Jordanians. During 2021, the sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to JD900 million, or 3 percent, while it is forecast to reach JD3 billion, or 3.9 percent, during 2033 when the EMV is implemented. In addition, the ICT sector’s exports in 2021 stood at JD200 million, which constituted 1.9 percent of the Kingdom’s total exports, while they are expected to reach JD4.5 billion by 2033, as set in the EMV.

Source: Jordan News Agency