Inspect agricultural & service projects progress in Hodeida

The leadership of the Agricultural and Fisheries Projects and Initiatives Finance Unit in Al-Hodeida province carried out on Wednesday a field visit to see the progress of the implementation of sterilizing work of floodwaters in Wadi Moore to benefit from them in irrigating agricultural fields in Tihami coast.

The director of the unit, Yahya Al-Wadi’i, and a number of specialists, inspected three sites in Al-Sammad 3, Baashush and Beyout Shaouf in Al-Zahra district, which work is underway to sterilize and divert its path to protect agricultural lands and residential areas from the dangers of torrential flow.

He explained that these works, which are funded by the Agricultural Projects and Initiatives Financing Unit and implemented by the General Authority for the Development of Tihama, come within the framework of the directions aimed at protecting agricultural lands from erosion and conducting the necessary treatments to benefit from them in irrigating crops.

Al-Wadi’i was also briefed on the progress of work on the project to restore and rehabilitate the central slaughterhouse in Hodeida city, at an estimated cost of 36 million and 872 thousand riyals, with the support of the Initiatives Finance Unit.

He listened to an explanation from those in charge of the project about the level of work progress in rehabilitating and restoring the central hall, the leather section, the main tank, and the establishment of a laboratory, in addition to restoring the building’s wall.

Source: Yemen News Agency