Enemy injures 13 Palestinians in Jaber camp

13 Palestinian citizens were wounded by live bullets, one of whom was described as critical and 14 others were arrested in the Zionist enemy forces storming Aqabat Jabr camp, south of Jericho.

Eyewitnesses reported to the Palestinian News Agency that large forces of the enemy army stormed the camp from several directions, deployed on the rooftops of the houses in the camp, and raided more than 50 houses, including the homes of the governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley, Jihad Abu al-Assal and his sons. They also surrounded the house of a citizen and fired Anerga missiles at it.

It added that the enemy forces fired live bullets and poison gas bombs at young men and houses, wounding 13 citizens with live bullets in the lower limbs of the body, including one critically.

Director of the Prisoner’s Club in Jericho Eid Brahma said that the occupation forces arrested 14 young men when the enemy stormed the camp.

The forces of the Zionist enemy closed all entrances to the camp with earth barries and prevented citizens from entering or leaving it, as well as preventing ambulances from entering, and reinforced their presence with heavy military vehicles.

Enemy forces seized surveillance cameras recordings from shops and homes after they stormed them and tampered with their contents.

Source: Yemen News Agency