Education ministry launches crisis, risk management strategy

Ministry of Education on Sunday launched its Crisis and Risk Management Strategy 2023-2027, aimed to enhance the education sector’s response to crises and affirm the ministry’s capability to ensure a “safe” learning environment to maintain quality education to face various risks. Speaking at the launching ceremony, Minister of Education, Dr. Azmi Mahafzah, said the strategy aims to strengthen concepts of risk and crisis management to enhance Jordan’s key action policies, planning and follow-up duties and develop capabilities related to the ministry’s strategic plan. Mahafzah added that the strategy was launched following “remarkable” efforts from the ministry and National Centre for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM). In this regard, he also referred to endeavors of supporting partners from local and international organizations, led by UNESCO and International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) / France, stressing importance of partnerships at all levels. Based on its pursuit to achieve its strategic plan goals, he said the strategy focuses on 4 main axes after examining the internal and external educational conditions and identifying strengths and opportunities to improve these pillars. Meanwhile, UNESCO representative to Jordan, Min Jeong Kim, greeted Ministry of Education for developing the strategy, stressing that Jordan has once again demonstrated its commitment to affirming right of all children and youth to exercise their right to education, by “institutionalizing” crisis-based planning. Kim added that the ministry is paving the way to achieve “a more robust and effective” educational system that responds to the Kingdom’s needs.

Source: Jordan News Agency